Tuesday 6 December 2016

Further Research

These 3 articles below have helped me to gain even more knowledge about my subject area. The articles talk about specific things that they think make a good teacher. This will help me to look out for specific things during my observations. I hope that I can use these articles and compare them to other literature and  the data that I collect.

The article telegraph article picks out specific characteristic that a teacher needs. I have been searching for something like this. I have added questions into my survey already about characteristics of a teacher. It has been interesting to read another person views of what specific characteristics they think you need to be a good teacher.  Moving forward I am very interested to see what characteristics people think teachers should have, compared to what they do have.
  1. http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Teacher
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/teacher-blog/2014/oct/31/effective-teaching-10-tips
  3. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationopinion/11347131/You-dont-need-a-qualification-to-be-a-good-teacher.html

I am finding myself using specific skills that I have gained previously from module 1, one of which is using the internet successfully and sourcing information and pictures.
These photos below show a bullet pointed list of what they think is a good/successful teacher. This will help  my inquiry as I will be able to look back on these photos to see if I can find parallels in my data.  These photos have inspired me to look further into what makes a good teacher. They have helped to open my mind about that others think is good for a teacher to do compared to my own thoughts. Particular things are starting to repeat themselves e.g; respect, different leaners and behaviour management. I see the same answers are starting to repeat through articles, photos, my personal thoughts and literature. It will be interesting to see if this continues as I gather my data from participants.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Focus Group

I am not using a focus group in my inquiry plan. However, at a team briefing this month all the dance colleagues came together to decide what is our dance philosophy could be.
We discussed 3 main topic areas; safety, structure and perspectives. We collected a variety and vast amount of ideas this way and the discussion flowed nicely. The idea was to talk about what do we do that is different to other companies what is special about us

This would be great to use to gather data. I would use this in my inquiry if I didn't want the results to be extremely personal. I need my participants to relate to personal experiences and to make sure my participants are comfortable. I think this is best done in private via a survey, this way they can share what they wish to share on paper, rather than in front of other people. Not that I am asking really hard questions but my participants need to think about what they are saying/writing. Some participants may fabricate stories in front of others, OR not be able to get their story heard. I need my data to be reliable and really show real life experiences with good teachers. I have chosen to do Surveys and Observations.