Saturday 17 September 2016

Module 2- 4a

After reading through reader 4 and task 2D Inquiry from module 1, I discovered a few questions for my line of inquiry.
1. What positive affects can dance have on children? We know we gain life skills, but what skills ? Does this help us in our adult life?

2. How to be a good teacher?
This inquiry would really benefit my profession
al practise as I teach dance to Primary School Children as part of their curriculum and curriculum dance teaching is different to my other ISTD teaching that I have done before. The idea of this is to expand further than dance teaching and focus on teaching in general. Maybe this inquiry is too large ?
-Behaviour management, Assessments, learning without limits, why is this important to be able to do to a high standard?
-National Curriculum
-Training to be a primary school teacher requirements.
- What type of person should be a teacher?
- Do we need qualifications?
-Do qualifications make you a good teacher?
-What qualities does a teacher need ?
- Explore 'mindfulness' teaching e.g. relax kids company and its effects.

Another line of enquiry I could explore is teacher student human relationships and how building a relationship with students affects their learning- apologising/raising self esteem through academics/listening/Teaching and learning should bring join. Watch the youtube video below and this inquiry makes more sense.

" Were educators we were born to make a difference." - Rita Peirson

3. Why is performing arts not respected in all schools as a good subject?

4. Mental health issues within dancers.

I feel that number 2 is inspiring me to look further, the question isn't quite there yet but I would like to look into being a good teacher, qualifications, research about the type of person you need to be and some how tie that in with mindfulness. I am going to rattle these questions around in my head this week and voice them to fellow colleagues, family members and friends then come back to my blog to talk about it. As you can see in this blog I have included lots of pictures, these pictures help me to create ideas and express over to you the reader what I am trying to achieve and show my thought process.

The question is not quite there yet as you can see ! Any thoughts and ideas would be appreciated !

Friday 16 September 2016

Module 2 - Skype - 16.09.2016

Getting back into it... 

Great session this evening! It was nice to hear some voices of students on the course, many that I haven't connected with yet. I thought I was following most people but it is going to be good to connect and reconnect with new and old students for module 2!

I found the Skype really helped and it just what I needed to get back into the course after a long summer. Before the session I did have a sense of confusion...what am I suppose to do? ... how do I get started climbing what feels like a huge mountain? Felt a lot like the photo on the left!

After the Skype I have realised I am going to take what I learnt from last term and take it apart chunks at a time into more manageable parts and process them before moving on. Unlike the beginning of module one I have faith that it will all start to come together! 

From the Skype session one thing stands out in particular and that was the visual Adesola gave us about how to tackle and process the journey we are about to begin.

Adesola said to imagine the module as one big field, and how you get to the other side through the big gate at the end to hand in your assessment pieces is a JOURNEY. We spoke about using the tasks as almost a trail through the field and how everyones journey to the other side of the field will be different, but how we can make links using each other on the course, by setting up special interest groups to help us get to the other side.
I really enjoyed the Skype session with Adesola, Paula and everyone this evening, it has  filled me with such enthusiasm to get started again with module 2. Look forward to chatting with everyone soon ! 
Good Luck !