Saturday 17 September 2016

Module 2- 4a

After reading through reader 4 and task 2D Inquiry from module 1, I discovered a few questions for my line of inquiry.
1. What positive affects can dance have on children? We know we gain life skills, but what skills ? Does this help us in our adult life?

2. How to be a good teacher?
This inquiry would really benefit my profession
al practise as I teach dance to Primary School Children as part of their curriculum and curriculum dance teaching is different to my other ISTD teaching that I have done before. The idea of this is to expand further than dance teaching and focus on teaching in general. Maybe this inquiry is too large ?
-Behaviour management, Assessments, learning without limits, why is this important to be able to do to a high standard?
-National Curriculum
-Training to be a primary school teacher requirements.
- What type of person should be a teacher?
- Do we need qualifications?
-Do qualifications make you a good teacher?
-What qualities does a teacher need ?
- Explore 'mindfulness' teaching e.g. relax kids company and its effects.

Another line of enquiry I could explore is teacher student human relationships and how building a relationship with students affects their learning- apologising/raising self esteem through academics/listening/Teaching and learning should bring join. Watch the youtube video below and this inquiry makes more sense.

" Were educators we were born to make a difference." - Rita Peirson

3. Why is performing arts not respected in all schools as a good subject?

4. Mental health issues within dancers.

I feel that number 2 is inspiring me to look further, the question isn't quite there yet but I would like to look into being a good teacher, qualifications, research about the type of person you need to be and some how tie that in with mindfulness. I am going to rattle these questions around in my head this week and voice them to fellow colleagues, family members and friends then come back to my blog to talk about it. As you can see in this blog I have included lots of pictures, these pictures help me to create ideas and express over to you the reader what I am trying to achieve and show my thought process.

The question is not quite there yet as you can see ! Any thoughts and ideas would be appreciated !


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Lois, I hope you had a lovely summer break.
    I found this a really interesting read - mainly because these are very similar to some of the questions that have occurred to me over the last few weeks.
    I am looking into becoming a teacher and have found some of your questions quite stimulating.
    I am particularly interested in your first point and have been thinking about what life skills children do learn from the performance arts, in particular, the different skills we learn from dance in contrast to say drama or singing.
    I'm interested to see where you ideas develop from here and would really appreciate any thoughts on mine.
    Thanks, Skye

  3. Hi Lois. This was a good read for me because I feel the same, I have so many ideas going through my head at the minute that the question isn't coming to me like yourself. I really like your idea of how to be a good teacher. So many people go into teaching because it's seen as a stable job but half the time people aren't 'made' to be a teacher. I look forward to seeing your thoughts if you develop that one.

  4. Thanks for your comments skye i will check out your blog and we can chat some more about ideas! Really interesting that you have broken performing arts down into singing acting and dance I hadn't considered that idea yet and your correct you learn different from each genre.

    Hi Lizzie thanks for your comment Im pleased Im not along being the only one with a fuzzy head at the moment. There are so many teachers out there how do you know the good ones, I agree with you about how people are made to be a teacher. This might be something I can look into further.

    Thank you both for your comments they have really helped me!

  5. Hey Lois,

    I'm also interested in the mental health aspect of a dancer. Particularly with my current practice on tour as there are so many other factors that come to play like the travelling, digs. Lack of communication etc. Would love to chat more if you're thinking of pursuing this topic and hear your thoughts!

  6. Hey Megan have a look at this article I posted on Facebook the other day had some really interesting stuff and companies to look at for mental health and dancers that Im going to look into... xxx

  7. Hi Lois,

    I like Megan am currently looking into the mental health side of things and it is a topic I am very passionate about. That article is a great read!!!!! Why isn't this posted for the world to see. I know we choose to do this because we love it but it is still so tough and demanding that for some it can have a negative impact. I would love to discuss this with you and megan in more depth xx

  8. Hi Lois,
    Hoping you have had a lovely summer break. I am like your self and teach dance within a school environment, however I do teach syllabus ( RAD ISDT ) rather than curriculum (Which I would be interested to hear more about. Is it compulsory etc?)

    Granted I have not yet had much time to think about my questions, however upon reading this one question that has come to mind is "Should Dance/performance and free movement be made compulsory at primary age? and will it benefit their development and learning in other areas?"

    I am looking forward to reading more of your blogs and seeing which avenue you decide to take on you inquiry

  9. Hi Lizzie yeah that chat with you and megan would be beneficial to help me decide which way to go, because I'm a bit torn between mental health but feel my professional practise and long term career will be in teaching so I feel I have an interest in mental health but teaching is the end goal so the inquiry in teaching would be more beneficial in the long run!


  10. Hi Laura Jayne,

    I currently teach the PE lessons which cover the teachers PPA time where they prep work for the children. But my PE topics are dance and gymnastics all curriculum but I use things I have learnt in ISTD to help me teach but the lessons are very different to an ISTD lesson. I include a lot more behaviour management techniques, differentiation,learning objectives and success criteria, assessment and challenges which is different when compared to a ISTD lesson. Its interesting the differences between them.

    It is in the curriculum but it depends on the school how they teach it some schools have the class teacher do all the PE including dance, academies tend to have an in house PE teach (luxury not always). Then you have companies like us (specialist companies) that come in to cover PPA time and also CPD teachers which means to up skill them to teach dance/gym or sports to a high standard and really get to grips with how to teach and what to teach! It is varied but with the sugar tax coming in and more funding being made available sports and dance should be in the curriculum more and taught by specialists. :)

    1. Thanks for this! - Very interesting and yes it is interesting the differences between teaching syllabus and in school PE time but great how the ISTD does prepare you with elements of how to teach that you are able to incorporate with what you are doing.

      Looking forward to seeing how your ideas develop :)

  11. Hey :) hope you had a good break! Mental health is a potential line of enquiry for me as well...its really interesting that so many of us are considering this! Maybe this would be a good topic for a group chat at some point? xx

  12. Hello! Really enjoyed this post and a lot of your ideas link with ones I have also been having!

    1. Have a look at my recent blog post, I have included a link to an article I found on facebook about some of the life skills dance classes teach us and why a parent sends their child to dance.

    2. A thought I had regarding this is the pros and cons of following syllabus classes (RAD, ISTD etc) vs. non syllabus classes and whether it is important to do both?

    4. This is a topic I have really considered pursuing but it is very broad so trying to narrow it down to a more specific subject.

    Think it would be great if we could maybe create a group with a few of us for task 4b and discuss some of these ideas further! Look forward to hearing from you! :)
