Sunday, 19 March 2017


I'm starting to build something that I am learning from and it is forming into something really exciting. I have spent the majority of my weekend at Middlesex university going through books. In module 2 I took similar trips however this trip felt different. For module 2 the way I used the library was different. I simply took down  books off the shelf that interested me to help me to build my inquiry. Creativity inspiration led me to different books, I picked up books that spoke of learning theories then I would jump to books with the titles " Primary Aged Teaching" and "Essential teaching skills".

Where as this time around I had analysed my data and I was looking for more information around my topic not completely different topics. Key words or sources I had previously found online was leading my search in the library. I felt like I had more of a purpose not just exploring freely. I continued to pull down books of practitioners. I sat and read through so many different books looking for chapters that matched key words that I have found through my interviewees answers.  Words such as ; Passion, Communication, Effective, Relationships and Planning. This lead me to chapters titled; Ethics, Character, Communication, Teaching Sills, Planning and Preparation, Expert Teacher and Passionate Teaching.

Since my trip I have combined my new literature with old literature my thoughts and my participants thoughts. I am aiming to find information about what is good teaching practise from different perspectives and I feel like I am starting to really build something my professional practice is going to benefit from.

 I am about to send my tutor my findings, it is tough because I have found so much information. I am hoping the feedback from my tutor will help me to finalise key findings and focus on a few key findings.

It is all a bit all over the place I need to still pull it all together but it is a big step forward! The biggest thing I am going to take away is from R. Turner- Bisset's  book ' Expert Teaching',  she talks about how you can not define good teaching, expert teaching or effective teaching. But OFSTED used the word outstanding teaching practise. So you can measure the teaching practise but it will never be finalised it will just be information gathered. This has helped me to remember that I am NOT finding answers only information!

R. TURNER-BISSET (2001) Expert Teaching- Knowledge and Pedagogy to Lead the Profession London: David Fulton Publishers


  1. Sounds like some really useful thinking. I think the last part about defining/ not defining is really interesting.

  2. Thanks Adesola for your comment, I found that interesting too. It is something that I knew couldn't be defined and was personal to each person, but it is interesting that 'good' teaching is measured by OFSTED.
