I am really enthusiastic about behaviour management in general and the techniques that are used. When I see good behaviour management techniques being used it really make me want to learn how that teacher did that, and more importantly why? I witness different behaviour management techniques every day in my job and because of that experience I feel it has given me lots of knowledge about it, but it fascinates me how teachers apply these techniques. No two situations where behaviour management is needed are exactly the same and I find that intriguing. Do you learn from experience? Reading a method? Knowing the child and how they work? Experimenting with styles? You have to think fast when implementing behaviour management how do you know when you have picked the right one? All these questions fly around my head after I behaviour manage or when i am witnessing another teacher behaviour manage. This is why I often research behaviour management techniques I have read many of Bill Rogers books which have heavily influenced my behaviour management techniques in my classes I would say that I admire his work.
I really admire a lady called (Dame) Alison Peacock she is a Headteacher in a Hertfordshire primary school, the work she has done in education has inspired me to be a better teacher and really has made a change to my practise. Please watch the link below to see her views about learning with no limits.
Alison talks about an education system where children are not labelled I couldn't agree more and this influences my work, I try my best to make sure my lessons are engaging and suitable for all the children in my lesson.
This Photo below highlights my concerns in the education system. This picture and what Alison talks about in her video makes me think... Do I cater for all in my lessons? Do I or can I apply limitless learning in my lessons? Do I differentiate appropriately ? How do I know I do ?
Both topics I have discussed could be a line of inquiry either how to apply behaviour management strategies and what whats work and why ? And How to apply the limitless learning ideas to my lessons ? And the impact it has made on my students.
What makes you angry and what makes you sad? Who do you admire who shares the your feelings or has found a way to look around the sadness or anger?
Parenting makes me angry and sad, when I hear about a child's background and what they go through or are going through it makes me so sad that I can't take that child out of that situation. I admire companies and charities like Camhs as they help the children through school but they also have a helpline and offer help to the parents as well.
I really admire Relax Kids company for all the work they do in schools, I feel what they stand for and promote is healthy and beneficial to all children, especially those dealing with stress. I feel that Relax Kids are in the same field as me and could be another link or a progression in my professional practise in the future. I have looked into the training in becoming a relax kids coach, I feel this could be a progression in my career as we share similar values and beliefs. They work around the sadness by promoting healthy lifestyles, instil self belief, confidence in children and really help individuals who are struggling. Read more about them and their blog at their website...
http://www.relaxkids.com/what-is-a-class.aspx - This link talks about a relax kids class and what they do.
A line of enquiry could be how I apply mindfulness into my lesson plans and how can I do my bit to support children in need when they are in my care.
What do you love about what you do? Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what you love?
I love the knowledge, confidence, independence, teamwork skills the children gain from my lessons, and I love it when I see that the hard work has paid off it was all worth it. Whether it is a term teaching dance in a Primary School, an academy ISTD class passing their exam or simply a child saying Thank-You and expressing what they have learnt or enjoyed after my class.
This was a card from one of my senior students when I choreographed their Sweeney Todd show, it made the tiring rehearsal, late night choreographing all worth it. I admire most teachers who have the following skills, patience, work ethic, time and preparation for their lessons and their students.
I also love learning myself and I often find when I teach I learn too, You could say Megan Louch another BAPP student has the same views as me as she left me this quote when I commented on her blog "When one teachers... Two learn" This quote has really stayed with me I learn so much from my students we discussed how they have developed us as people.
meganlouch.blogspot.com- Left me the quote on her blog
A inquiry I could look into where that passion for teaching comes from? Is it naturally in you as a teacher? How did I become a teacher and why? I could also look into the differences I could make or have made to the children I teach. Another one could be What do my students teach me ?
What do you feel you don't understand? Who do you admire who doesn't seem to understand it or has found a way of making not understanding interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same questions as you?
I do not understand why performing arts isn't as valued as other subjects. I understand that you need English, Maths and Science. But what about general life skills like communication ? Teamwork? And knowing how to express yourself?
Another topic that I do not understand is obesity in Primary Schools, I do not understand how schools can continue to feed the children an unhealthy lunch time meal, I also do not understand how at some schools the children can pick exactly what they want to eat so if l Tommy only wants one slice of bread for lunch thats ok?! I feel strongly about a balance diet and I often share with my students the importance of exercise and eating a balanced diet. Jamie Oliver doesn't seem to understand this topic either and promotes an healthy life style in schools.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-35824071- I agree with the Sugar Tax this report explains what it is and mentions Jamie Oliver
http://www.jamieoliverfoodfoundation.org.uk - Working with schools to promote a healthy lifestyle, and change the way schools work
A line of inquiry could be that I look into the Primary School curriculum, and find out head teachers opinion on the Arts. Another line could be the influence Jamie Oliver has had and the impact of his work in schools to fight obesity.
How do you decide the appropriate ethical response in a given situation? To what extent are disciplinary responses different to that you might expect generally in society?
Discipline is essential when you are a teacher, discipline changes as the children get older and most definitely discipline in school is incredibly different to what you might expect in society. The method I usually use along side others is rule reminder, warning, time out and so on. This is a fair disciplinary system that never changes in my lessons the children know the rules and if they are badly behaved they know the consequences. This way I know that I am responding correctly because my system is fair, I also make sure that I abide by the schools behaviour management plans this way I am keeping it consistent for the children.I often refer to this document it is about behaviour and discipline in schools - Headteachers and school staff.
I have the power to discipline the children when I am in the school as I am a paid member of staff and in some circumstances I can apply discipline outside of school, however I would not give a warning out or a time out to one of my students outside of school but if I did see a child mess behaving away from their parents for example, playing dangerously by a road, I would remind them that it is not safe and they should move away. I feel that it is my responsibility as an adult to do so, although they are not my responsibility I can still discipline appropriately outside of school in some circumstances. If they were shouting in a shop and mess behaving with their parent then I wouldn't get involved as that is not my place to discipline their child. But in school if a child behaves like that I would discipline as they are affecting other students learning and in some situations the other students safety.
Really good read. I found it really interesting reading about your curiosity in behaviour management. I teach at quite a demanding school where behaviour is quite a challenege so it was really good to read about your passion to think quickly and be the best teacher you can be.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you when you say parenting makes you sad. It really upsets me as well witnessing the various parenting within schools as I too want to take them out of the sad situation.
Megan's quote to you is an excellent one, I love it. I have also found that whilst teaching, I may be the teacher but I am also learning whether thats about the students or myself. Following on from this your lines of inquiry about teaching sounds really interesting I would be keen to read your blogs should you carry these out.
I like the sound of your consistency when it comes to teaching and discipline. It gives the children a clear out set of what happens if they mibehave.
I really enjoyed reading this blog.
Hi Lois. I really like how you have set out this post with the headings and is something I wish to consider. I think it gives good structure to a lot of interesting points and made for a good read. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank-You for your comments Lizzie yeah I think because now I am teaching in Primary Schools and I have larger class of 30 children I have to be very clear with behaviour management, offering the children rewards and consequences for bad behaviour, thanks again for your comments, chat soon :)
ReplyDeleteChloe thank- you for your comments about the way I have set it out, i found it easier to write this was as I could process each question in my head rather than writing an essay. I have broken it down into manageable chunks for me and hopefully the reader. Thanks again chat soon :)